40 Days of Prayer - Day 5

Day 5: Search Me, O God

Practice a time of solitude with God. With an open Bible and blank pieces of paper, ask God to search your heart and attitude. Pray that He will show you any thoughts, attitudes, or actions in your life that need to change.

Psalm 139:23-24

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns.”
It’s one thing to pray for a larger house, a newer car, a different ministry assignment, or for a salary increase. It’s another thing to ask the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to search our hearts and test our thoughts. The Bible reveals that God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. In fact, He knows us better than we know ourselves. Nothing catches our
Father off guard.

Health experts tell us that annual physical exams are wise and necessary. Early detection is key to physical health and personal longevity. Spiritual health requires periodic exams, too. Therefore, we make a decision and set a date to get away from the obligations and responsibilities of ministry. We desire solitude with the One who can reveal the most intimate things about us. During the moments of solitude, we ask the Lord to search our hearts and attitudes. Is Jesus still our First Love? Are we guilty of simply going through the motions of ministry? Do we love the people we shepherd? Are we flirting with temptation? Do we lead with an attitude of humility or pride? Our solitude and transparency with God may lead to personal revitalization. It’s documented that a revitalized leader is often what God uses to revitalize a church.

How long has it been since your last spiritual examination?