40 Days of Prayer - Day 23

Day 23: Choose Your Side

Consider praying today that God will help you align yourself with His vision for your church. Pray that His desires for your congregation, in the community where He has placed you, would be reflected through your words, actions, and attitudes.

Read Joshua 5:13-15

“Neither,” He replied. “I have now come as commander of the Lord’s army.” Then Joshua bowed with his face to the ground in worship and asked Him, “What does my Lord
want to say to His servant?”

When Joshua, preparing for the heat of battle, saw a human figure with sword drawn, he naturally went to the man and asked if he was for them or against them. The man, who Joshua soon discovered to be an earthly appearance of God, answered that he was not for them or against them, but instead the Captain of the Lord’s army. Joshua appropriately bowed down and worshipped him.

Many times, it is possible for us to begin to choose sides within the church. We distinguish between those who are for our vision and those who are not . A better route is to make sure we personally are lined up with the Lord. We will know that we are with God when our desires for His church match His desires as seen in Scripture, when we are submissive to God-ordained leadership, and when our actions and attitudes reflect Christ-like character.

So based on the above listed criteria, are you for God and His vision for the church?